Poleski Ośrodek Sztuki
The Poleski Art Center is a self-governing cultural institution, has a legal personality, and acts in its name and on its account; the facility has 37 employees. Main the area of the Center's activities is the city of Łódź. Nevertheless, the facility cooperates with many stakeholders and partners from Poland and abroad.
As a local art center, it runs activities in many different fields: cultural and social; it also develops the field of informal adult and youth education through culture. The Center's strategy is based on the policy of the Culture Department of the City of Łódź Office; the mission and main goal are to build a cultural community and educate through artistic activities. "We have a heart for art" - this one of the slogans that describe the mission of the facility, strategy, and relations with participants of the activities carried out. The Poleski Art Center has 4 branches operating in various fields arts and culture, for a variety of target groups. Poleski Art Center - the main institution: it deals with education through culture, aesthetic and artistic education of adults and youth, implements international projects, promotes art and culture, organizes meetings with artists, concerts, trains educators, conducts theater and art workshops, organizes festivals - (International Open Air Wicker Forms and Land Art, International Biennale Theater Meetings "Therapy and Theater "), courses and workshops. The International Wicker and Art Open Air-Land Art are organized periodically every two years in the garden of the Polesie Art Center, which becomes a meeting place and creative exchange between amateurs and artists. The event inspires closer contact with nature, coexistence, and observation. International Biennale Theater Meetings "Therapy and Theater" is a festival devoted to the presentation, use, and dissemination of modern Polish and international techniques used in therapy theater for the achievement of educational, artistic, and therapeutic goals. As part of the festival, both art therapy workshops for non-disabled people, working with the disabled, seniors, addicts, and the homeless, as well as workshops for those under their care.

PRO-MED spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
PRO-MED sp. Z o. O. Is a small private company that has been operating on the domestic and international market since 1989. The company employs 3 people permanently. If an additional specialist is needed, PRO-MED employs people based on their proven experience.

Main areas specializations include e-learning, development, and delivery of blended courses, translation, and localization of the Polish language package for the learning management system (BSCW, WebCT, Moodle). PRO-MED was a partner in EU projects such as Phare (1998-2000), Leonardo da Vinci (1998-2008), Socrates (1998-2007), EQUAL (2005-2008), Interreg (2005-2006), Lifelong learning Grundtvig programs, partnership projects, multilateral, networks (2008-2014), Active Citizens - British Council (2011-2012), Senior Volunteering (2008- 2014), ERASMUS + (2014-2017). Recent projects: ERASMUS + SPADE - Be on time - Strategic Partnership for Digitally Excluded People (2017-2020), ERASMUS + SPIDW - Strategic partnership for the integration of older people in the digital world, 2018-2020, ERASMUS + CoLED - A learning environment based on cooperation for engineering education, 2018-2020, ERASMUS + Seniors @ ICT, 2018-2020. By promoting the development of an innovative approach to teaching and learning based on the e-learning and blended learning methodology, PRO-MED supports the construction of a common vision of education continuing life in European countries. Access to and increased participation in lifelong learning by the company's employees and people benefiting from the training offered is possible thanks to the use of flexible educational methods and the exchange of experiences in international partnerships. Since 2008, PRO-MED sp. Z o. O. Has been running "Meetings with a computer for seniors of the Gdańsk University of Technology", in which volunteer teachers, students and Ph.D. students. Lesson plans and training materials developed as part of international projects are mostly available in the form of open educational resources. PRO-MED sp. Z o. O. Has many years of experience in promotional activities, disseminating the results of projects at the national and international level (conferences, seminars, workshops, e-senior online magazine). The total number of people registered on websites administered by PRO-MED is over 1000 people.