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Be Smart - Strategic Partnership for Digitally Excluded

Strategic goals of the project: elevate the level of digital literacy, sustaining the idea of continuous learning; promote equality and inclusion through the development of digital competencies in older citizens.

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1st Meeting of SPADE Project in Austria (Vienna)

The first meeting of the SPADE project was held at the Die Wiener Volkshochschulen (VHS) in Austria on the 19th of December 2017. The meeting was attended by representatives of the 8 partner organizations: AidLearn (Portugal) Volkshochschule Stuttgart (Germany), Norrköpings Stadsmuseum (Sweden), Die Wiener Volkshochschulen (Austria), PRO-MED (Poland), Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development (Bulgaria), Associazione Nestátních Neziskových Organizací Jihomoravského Kraje (Czech Republic) and the project’s coordinating organization - Poleski OÅ›rodek Sztuki (Poland).

The meeting was organized by Doris Vickers, Herbert Depner, and Nigel James, representatives of Die Wiener Volkshochschulen (VHS) and it was directed by Maria Goldstein (SPADE project coordinator) and Herbert Depner (project manager of the VHS).

During the meeting the different partner organizations were presented, information on financial issues was clarified, the Operational Plan for Project Development was discussed and agreed upon, and specific tasks were distributed to some partners.

2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Lisbon (Portugal)

Be Smart – Strategic Partnership for Digitally Excluded (SPADE) is an international project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The main aim of this project is to promote equality and inclusion by improving the digital skills of older adults and younger people with poor digital skills.

During the 2nd transnational meeting, in Lisbon, on the 13th of February 2018, the partnership discussed the structural plan for the workshops that will be developed throughout the project.

It was agreed that the workshops will be called “Digital Discoveries in (city name)” with the name of the city being changed for each workshop. The workshops will follow a three day plan and entail a very interesting practical task for the workshop attenders.

At the meeting all members of the partnership were represented: AidLearn (Portugal) Volkshochschule Stuttgart (Germany), Norrköpings Stadsmuseum (Sweeden), Die Wiener Volkshochschulen (Austria), PRO-MED (Poland), Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development (Bulgaria), Associazione Nestátních Neziskových Organizací Jihomoravského Kraje (Czech Republic) and the coordinating partner Poleski OÅ›rodek Sztuki (Poland).


Below you can explore some of our results, presentations and other dissemination materials. 



Read more about our mission

By developing the international cooperation, the educators who work working with the institutions and partner organizations will have a chance to exchange experiences in the area of organization 

Check our plann for a Lisbon meeting

Interested in what we are doing?


Here you have some learning materials


SPADE is the european strategic partnership. Contact us if you have more questions about our activities and idea.

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